2nd skilllab / "Robots at the service of
4rd workshop 15-23 February
Kindergarten of Tirnavos / Greece
Argiro Tsitsirigou,
Elissavet Soutzouki, Eleni Tampari
Kindergarten of Tirnavos / Greece
Argiro Tsitsirigou,
Elissavet Soutzouki, Eleni Tampari
kindergarten of Promahi Pella- Kyriaki Batsiou
What makes objects move?
In this project kids build a pull-robot that can pull an object (bottle) to the recycling bin and
- explore what forces are and how they can make objects move
-create and program a robot to investigate the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an object
children always are impressed by machines that can pull heavy objects and want to investigate what makes objects move
the students explore questions like:
- how can we make an object move?
-can we explain friction?
-predict what will happen if the pull force is greater in one direction than the other.
3rd Kindergarten of Alexandroupolis/GreeceMaria Gennisariotou, Evangelia Birintzi,
Efthalia Kouroutzidou
kindergarten of Promahi Pella-Kyriaki Batsiou
A robot-truck construction
kids with the lego wedo 2.0 kit, built a truck to transport recycling materials.
The students are very motivated to protect the environment. They want to
know how recycling methods can be improved in order to cut back on
The children explore questions as:
-what does it means to recycle?
-how can materials to be recycled, be sorted in our area?
-Can we imagine devices that can sort recyclable waste according to shape?
With this project the kids will:
-explore how better sorting methods for recycling can aid in cutting back the amount of
waste that is discarded
-create and program a device that will sort recyclables according to their
size and shape
-present and document the solution they have developed.
5th Kindergarten of Tyrnavos/Greece
5ο Νηπιαγωγείο Τυρνάβου/Ελλάδα
Gougoulianou Evaggelia,Mpeni Maria
Message from Detective Vans
Let's write a story together
Reflection/Create a robot with recycling materials!
4th workshop 15-23 February
7ο Νηπιαγωγείο Τυρνάβου / Ελλάδα
7th Kindergarten of Tyrnavos/ Greece
Mamanou Eleni ,
Geitona Aikaterini Rafaella
Click on the images below
Kindergarten of Tirnavos / Greece
Argiro Tsitsirigou,
Elissavet Soutzouki, Eleni Tampari
A new message from detective Vans - a new
meaning to learn!
A New Message from Detective Vans!
Let's write a story together!
Τα παιδιά του νηπιαγωγείου μας πραγματοποίησαν με πολλή ενθουσιασμό τις δράσεις του 3ου Εργαστηρίου δεξιοτήτων : "Νοίαζομαι και δρω γι...